Friday, March 18, 2005

Top O' The Tournament To You

Whatever happens in Cleveland on the first day of March Madness which also falls on St. Patrick’s Day, stays in Cleveland. Yesterday was one of the best St. Patrick’s Days I have had in a long time, though there is nothing too crazy to entertain you with on this day after. Liz and I both had the day off, so we decided to walk from our place down to the parade. The parade turned out to look like every other parade I have ever seen in my life but with a lot more drunk and pushy people. (It was nice to be sober for that event and watch everyone else act like morons for once.) Afterwards we hung out downtown and took the RTA back to our neighborhood haunts. At each bar, we ended up running into a few unexpected guests, which is always such a pleasant surprise. We did end up at this gay bar last night which refused to turn off Will and Grace to put the tournament games on. How was I supposed to know anything else was on TV yesterday? Luckily, I had Mark calling me every 30 minutes to give me updates just like the ESPN ticker. Now that’s the true meaning of family.

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