Monday, March 14, 2005

I Could Draw a Bracket Before I Could Tie My Shoes

Ahhh…the Monday after Selection Sunday. Last week I talked about how distracted I was at work--that doesn’t even hold a candle to my day today. You see yesterday I had my brackets drawn and numbered with three hours to spare before the seedings were announced. Today, I will stare at that bracket all day and spend an inordinate amount of time surfing web sites like and to try and figure out the annual 6/11 upset.

Though I am sure it is no secret the person who usually wins the tournament poll I am in isn’t surfing the web right now. No it is the guy who gives his wife a bracket to fill out so that she can pick the teams based on their uniform colors or their mascot. There is no successful method to this March Madness. There isn’t one expert in America today agreeing with another one. It’s a crapshoot. And in the end, the person who wins my particular tournament will probably be the one who likes Carolina Blue or the same person last year who picked those adorable huskies (Washington or UConn) or even the person whose favorite color is orange who could foresee an Oklahoma State and Illinois match-up in the Chicago Regional. For all of you filling out a bracket this year, good luck and may the best basketball junkie or non-junkie win.

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