Friday, March 11, 2005

After Four, Long, Cold, Dark Months...

...I finally have been reunited with Adelphia Cable and I couldn't be happier. The cable was delivered healthy with everything intact this morning around 9 a.m. I feel like a proud father. This morning before I left for work I told Liz to call me as soon as they left. I waited by the phone all morning. Finally she called at noon and said she went back to bed after Adelphia left this morning. Went back to bed? I have been sitting by the phone worried sick that it never showed up. Nonethless, I am elated! Just the fact that I am going to be able to watch the CAVS on television now is so incredible. Goodbye Joe Tait, Hello Michael Reghi. Oh and lets not forget ESPN, Seinfeld on TBS, Comedy Central, E! True Hollywood Stories, Sundays spent watching sappy Lifetime movies, and all those VH1 countdowns I grew to love over the past couple years to name just a few things.

How appropriate! Out of the blue, Liz just called and said, "I wanted you to know Bowling Green is beating Eastern Michigan 58-49." If I can't be at home watching the MAC women's tournament at least my girlfriend is and she knows exactly what I would be watching. She's the best. This is why I love cable. Oh... and Liz. I love cable and Liz.

In other news, a van pulled out in front of me today trying to make a left-hand turn. The name on the side of the van read: Safe and Sound Transportation System. I love the way life makes you laugh.

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