Friday, June 17, 2005

Dating Rhetoric of the New Millennium

How times have changed. It used to be you went out on a date and your friends would ask: “Where did you go?” “Did you have fun?” “Are you going to see them again?” After talking about someone I am seeing, my best friend turned to me Wednesday night and asked: “Have you ‘Googled’ her yet?” For those of you unfamiliar with this term, it isn’t something dirty (please my parents read this blog, you think I am going to write about sex here…sheesh.). To “Google” someone means you put their name in a search engine on the internet and then see where and why their name comes up on the information super highway. I must admit I am a “googler” but I have even “googled” myself a time or two. Now there’s something you don’t hear everyday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Googling oneself is a great way to pass the time...and less messy than other activities.