Monday, May 16, 2005

Tonight On A Very Special Extreme Home Makeover

Damn this show! Every Sunday I get hooked on Extreme Home Makeover and without fail, I am in tears by the end of the first hour. I feel like a masochist every time I watch it. If you don't watch this show already, stay away!

If you aren't familiar with the show, let me give you a little synopsis: The show finds the saddest story they can possibly find. For example, some recent shows included storylines such as the teenage boy taking care of his poor deaf parents and autistic/deaf brother, or the mother with breast cancer raising three girls with HIV, or last nights tear-jerker where this young couple had their whole life ahead of them with three young boys under the age of four and the mother dies of Leukemia on her 29th birthday. Her last wish is to have the husband keep their little house and remodel it like they both planned, so she can always be with them. Then the show completely builds them a dream house worth millions with everything they put into it and all the gifts given to the family. By the end of the show everyone is crying. You have the family, you have the designers and then there I am, bawling like a baby. I am such a sucker for this sappy crap.

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