Wednesday, May 11, 2005

So Much For My Biological Clock

The past three months have included a lot of thoughts of motherhood and the ability to have and raise a child. I have been talking about the joys and possibilities of being the stay-at-home PTA mom who brings the ice cream every week to school functions. I actually scared a couple of my friends with these serious thoughts considering less than a year ago I was anti-child.

The ability to actually have a child is now the farthest thing from my mind. The last three days have erased any of those feelings. In what can only be described as intense stomach and back pains cured only by Milk of Magnesia, I have now decided against having a child. I never want to go through what I have gone through this last week again. That includes any kind of pain where it feels like an alien is inside my body.

I am such a huge baby myself that the thought of having and raising another human being is simply out of the question. I can barely take care of my cat and from what I have seen and read, I do believe there is slightly more maintenance involved in rearing a human being compared to a cat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt that even not being a parent, you'd make an excellent "favorite aunt". Just think, you'd have a reason to get the cool stuff at Indians and Cavs games that they give away to the kids.

That's the only reason I had kids. I could play with toys well into my 30's and 40's. And I could tell the wife that I only want the latest video games and toys so I can "do research for later on in the kid's life."