Monday, May 09, 2005

The Mother of all Mothers

What a beautiful weekend, with great weather and great people. On Friday night we hung out with our girls on their porch before taking a walk down to the Tic-Tock Tavern, an indescribable little bar in Cleveland where you can eat and drink for a total bill of $15. Saturday was spent looking at a ton of apartments in Ohio City, Duck Island and Tremont. The day was filled with “wows” and “whoas” considering you never know what you are going to encounter in these parts. I had my homemade chicken soup cooking up the whole day waiting to be eaten with an evening of Nip/Tuck episodes as we finished up the first season.

Sunday was an incredible Mother’s Day. It was so much fun spending the day with my family and then meeting up with Mindy’s family somewhere in the middle of the day to celebrate Mindy’s birthday before I headed back to my mother’s house for Texas Hold Em. There is never a dull moment hanging out with Mindy’s parents as her dad tells the best stories in the world. A sentence such as: “Did I ever tell you about the time your uncle passed up on buying the Kentucky Derby winner?” seems commonplace whenever you find yourself on her parent’s deck.

It was a day of laughs and great weather ended by an evening of Hold ‘Em where I took the last pot with pocket nines and drove home last night with an extra $50 dollars in my pocket. Not only did I take my family’s money, I also picked up some new DVDs from my mother’s Beijing connection. I took home the third season of Six Feet Under, which doesn’t technically come out until May 17th. I also picked up the first season of Nip/Tuck to own as we have been using the services of Netflix to get our fix of the show. DVDs from China and gambling: what else can you ask for at a family event? Can’t wait for Father’s Day!

Maybe I will do a better job on my Father's Day card. Sorry you didn't love your Mother's Day card as much as I did mom. When I saw a card that read "The Mother of all Mothers" I had just had to buy it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Michele, that is not true I loved my card, so what that it didn't say a lot of great things like you're loved and appreciated and your wonderful, beautiful and intelligent, you know sometimes one sentence says it all and I think the mother of all mothers says it all...but it was kind of funny..and really thanks for the orchid, we are all taking bets on how long it takes me to kill will probably be death by drowning as I tend to over water and over feed..but you will be glad to know that it is already on my desk and everytime I look at it it reminds me of what a great daughter I have and how very lucky I'am to have you..Mom