Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I Shouldn't Feel Bad for Paris Hilton, Should I?

I must admit my initial reaction after reading through all of the stuff hacked from Paris Hilton and put on the internet, is that I do feel a little bad for her. Her writing is atrocious and she doesn’t really have complete thought processes but I still feel a little bad. If I had those problems, I wouldn’t want everyone reading my notes. You just know even though it wasn’t her fault, her friends are still a little pissed off they have to get their numbers changed. I can just imagine some of her B-List friends sitting around cursing her for this blunder. It is almost like the internet was invented to single-handedly torture this one human being. Yes, I think she is a moron. Yes, she doesn’t deserve even the fifteen minutes of fame she is enjoying. Yes, I think she is spoiled and has no idea how much good she could actually be doing with her time and money. Somehow though we have all been there. We have all had somebody read our journal or find a note we had written that was definitely not intended for them or anyone else for that matter. Now just imagine if somebody took all of that information and put it out there for everyone else to see. Don’t get me wrong, I checked it out--it’s kind of like I have turned into a Paris Hilton Rubbernecker--I don’t want to look but I just can’t help it. And yes, I do feel bad for her.

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