Friday, February 18, 2005

Go Cougars!

I think it is so cool a friend of mine, who also happens to be Mormon, just called me a Godsend. I must admit it gave me a short-lived Brigham Young complex. Of course I had to call my very very good friend Mindy right away. This is the stuff I bother her with on a daily basis as she tries to work. I am sure her boss thinks she is crazy when she is on the phone with me because he is usually hearing one of two things: her boisterous laughter or her asking me when I am going to counseling again because whatever I am talking to her about is just that absurd. Thanks for letting me interrupt your workload for my silliness Mindy. For those of you reading my blog, I should direct you to hers because I have mentioned it as one of my guilty pleasures--and its not just because she talks about me--her writing is incredible and thought provoking:

1 comment:

yoni cohen :: said...


Came across your blog today. Love those green gloves.

Noticed that you are a college basketball fan. Hoping you could kindly create a blogroll and add a blogroll link to my "College Basketball Blog,"

I'd greatly appreciate a permanent link on your site. And would gladly return the favor, adding a link from my site to yours.


Yoni Cohen, College Basketball Blog