Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Always The Bridesmaid, Never The Bride

Congratulations to my best friend in the world for her engagement earlier this week. I have never been happier for anyone. As a matter of fact, I screamed like a girl when she told me. I never really understood the concept of marriage before this week. I know that sounds crazy but marriage is just an institution that I thought would have been phased out at the turn of the century…last century that is. However this whole incident has got me thinking a lot more about it.

Why would people want to go through all that just to show their love to each other? It isn’t like somebody loves you more once you are married, compared to the day before you were married so what is the big deal? I think I have been hanging around the wrong people and watching the wrong television shows. It always seemed to me people put so much emphasis on getting married and living the perfect life that they never stopped to think about what it should really mean. Marriage isn’t about the wedding and all the flashiness that goes with planning the big day. I personally find all of that to be rather shallow. After watching my two friends the past two years, I know what the big deal is. It is the commitment. It is the idea that the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, wants to spend the rest of their life with you and they want to start right now.

All the sudden, it seems funny to me the government doesn’t allow this right to a certain segment of the population. I mean really, what does the government know about love, honor and respect anyway? I am not saying I am going to go lobby congress on gay marriage or anything, but I do want to say in the relationships I have been involved in, the idea of commitment has a whole lot more to do with love and respect than whether or not one should choose chicken or beef as an entrĂ©e during the reception.

I have digressed. This post is to congratulate my best friend. I have known you for so long and I have never seen you as happy and in love. It is great to see two people who truly love each other commit to one another like the two of you have. HOWEVER, if I lose my Ohio City drinking buddy over this union, I am going to be a little upset.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

michele, i will marry you. i say we make this shindig a double celebration of love. ofcourse, we'll have to host it in vermont so we can get hitched. we'll move back into the clifton apt, and never be there at the same time. thats the key to a hapy marriage, right? space?