Monday, November 21, 2005

Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner

What a great weekend! I shared some great moments with some great people and most importantly, my theatrical debut was a success. Wild Plum put on an incredible show this weekend at Asterisk Gallery and I have to believe my own personal success was inspired by the movie Dirty Dancing.

On Friday Mindy sent me some lines from Dirty Dancing and then on Saturday before my second show, Dirty Dancing was on television so I watched it for inspiration. Watching Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze helped motivate me to perform at my best and reminded me of the roles Maria and I would be playing later in the evening (ahem). (Yes, it’s true-this is one of my favorite movies. I even went to the concert involving all the soundtrack artists back in 1990. Anybody really scared by this revelation?)

Best line from the weekend was provided by Alison when I asked her what hat I should wear to a party. (I needed to wear a hat because my hair was all slicked down and I didn’t have time to change from my greasy salesman persona hair to my regular hair after my show.) I don’t own many hats so from the two choices I showed her, she said:
“Well that all depends, do you want to look like you are about to build a snowman or do you want to look like you are driving a train?”

Runner-up line: “Oh, you were right! He does look like a lesbian.”

I also realized how incredibly lucky I am this weekend. For the past two months, my friends and I have found a way to get together every weekend for some sort of celebration whether it was a birthday party, Halloween party, art opening or holiday party. I can’t think of any other time in my life when I had so many great people surrounding me. Next weekend one of my best friends will turn thirty. Guess we will probably have to celebrate that as well.

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