Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Damn Those Three-Day Weekends

I left the Browns game when the score was 10-6 on Sunday with Chicago up. Enough said.

This makes perfect sense in my life as I had a three-day weekend. Nothing ever goes right for me on three-day weekends. Memorial Day weekend, Labor Day weekend and now Columbus Day weekend have been the worst three weekends of the year for me. I don’t think I was meant to have more than two days off a week. With that much time off, things are bound to go horribly awry. My next three-day weekend? My thirtieth birthday at the end of October. Let’s hope things go a little better.

Not all was lost this weekend. I did get new furniture, the Yankees got knocked out of the playoffs and I heard the funniest story of my life thanks to my brother. A story that still makes me laugh out loud, and would make the movie the Aristocrats seem like good family fun.

One last note on the subject of disappointing…Liz Phair is performing at Boo Bash for Q104. Is this the ultimate sign of selling-out for her? When I was in college, she hardly toured and now she is going to do the main stage of the poppiest radio station in town. I thought it was bad enough when she did Lilith Fair, but Boo Bash? When her last album came out, I defended her. I don’t think I can do it anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

agreed on the liz phair thing. even though i liked the video for her last single (the one with the jukebox) i still have to say she totally sold out. all of a sudden 12 year olds are buying her cd! what happened to doing it on the couch songs, and man-hating ballads?