Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Life In The Burbs

Life in the suburbs is something I am trying to get used to. Thankfully I only have to do it for two more weeks. After last night I am afraid I am becoming too acclimated to my new lifestyle. As a testament to this, I can only share my adventures after leaving work yesterday in the big city.

On my way home I sat through rush hour traffic for the first time in two years. I forgot the frustrations encountered on both 77 South and 480 East on a daily basis. Once I was home, I spent a half hour watering plants I wouldn’t even be able to name. After playing with the dog, I was off to Babies R Us. Let me say that last part one more time: I was off to Babies R Us.

My best friend from college is having a baby shower this Saturday and I decided to torture myself by trying to find things on her registry. What a daunting task. We gave up on the registry after finding one thing and went our own route with the gift. I figure any baby gift will be great as long as you throw in a bottle of wine which I plan to do. After going through a baby registry, there is only way place to eat: Ruby Tuesdays. (As you may remember, in there it is always Tuesday.) A typical suburban entrée featuring sirloin and the salad bar ensued.

Once home, the dog was walked and I was in bed right around 10:30. Living out there wears me out. It is like a job. I have to get up an hour earlier and then fight the traffic into the city only to have to fight it on the way home as well, only to get home to chores I couldn’t imagine having in the OC. I sure do miss my city lifestyle.

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