Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Why I Didn't Vote For Hillary: A Confession From A White Feminist

Yes, the title of this blog sounds like a Lifetime Movie, but I really feel my decision was that dramatic. I didn't make it until the last minute, and I have been riding the fence for three weeks, but this morning I voted for Barack Obama. It wasn't Barack's speeches, or the stardust he threw around as one of my friends would like to say. It wasn't about my white guilt or reparations. It wasn't based on gender because they both have very liberal views on women's issues and choice. It wasn't about health care, the economy or foreign policy though some politicos might cringe to hear that. (I found that their policies were both so similar it was often hard to really tell them apart). It wasn't based on experience because I have been on enough search committees to know experience isn't nearly as important as other variables when it comes to selecting a candidate. It was based on the following scenario: Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton. As hard as I tried, I didn't like the way that looked and what it meant to our government. What it meant is that we would have the same lobbyists, scandals and favors coming in and out of Washington as if the city were a revolving door. If George W. Bush invaded Iraq because his father failed to do it right, what is Hillary Clinton going to complete for Bill Clinton and their political friends?

I wrote the majority of this blog post before I voted because I thought I was confident in my decision, but the truth is, this decision was a lot harder than I thought it would be. It was hard to not vote for a woman that I knew would be more competent than what we have had for the past eight years. Though my teenage nieces are more competent women than our current president, so it doesn't have much to do with gender. I admit to liking Hillary, probably more than most people, but I am ready for change. We need new corruption. I am tired of the same bribery and scandals that we have had for the past 20 years. I want new deception and lies and I believe Barack Obama is the man to do that.


Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

Same here, same here and same here.

My only other influence was the fact that now that I live near DC I keep meeting Democrats who actually know Clinton and they say she makes their skin crawl.

Anonymous said...

Starring Meredith Baxter as Obama.