Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Summer of Drinking Smart

Back in early June my friend Alison won a free happy hour party at The Garage Bar. Part of the prize included a bunch of free alcohol-related stuff, such as wristbands, t-shirts and a hat. In particular, a Jim Beam racing hat. Because the party was outside and my face was getting burnt, I decided to snag the hat and wear it for the rest of the night, and the rest of the summer for that matter. The best part of the hat is that it has the words: Drink Smart in tiny letters on the side. When I noticed that I declared the Summer of 2007 The Summer of Drinking Smart. As Labor Day approaches I decided to create a slideshow to reflect back on my summer of drinking smart. (Slideshow courtesy of Alison, Julie, Mindy, Roz and anyone else I hung out with in this hat)


Anonymous said...

Drinking smart is what it's about!

Me, I just drink. I can't drive anyway, so, who cares! Suckers!

yll said...

What FUN! That was a cool slideshow. I love doing stuff like that.

Frankie said...

I loved the pictures. Although in one, I could swear you were munching on a burnt hot dog, I was wrong, it was a cigar.

Which made me laugh.

While I was drinking, not so smartly.