Thursday, October 05, 2006

OC Doesn’t Stand For Ohio City 44113

Currently Sherrod Brown, the man who will hopefully unseat Mike DeWine in the upcoming senatorial election, is traveling around to visit Ohio campuses. I was excited when I heard about his college tour, but then I saw who was in his entourage. If you happen to make it to one of his stops (The Cleveland State/CWRU stop is October 7 at 5:30 outside the SEIU building on Payne and East 23rd), you will be greeted by Brown, his wife and Plain Dealer columnist Connie Schultz, Luke Perry and Adam Brody. Perry starred in Beverly Hills 90210 and Brody is from the popular teeny-bopper show The OC. While I think it is great to have big names on your tour, these two confuse me. What is the connection between these two actors and Ohio politics? Both of their shows were set in California with a demographic of teenage girls. My advice to Brown would be to drop these two for Michael Stanly and Drew Carey. It may increase your numbers in Cleveland instead of Southern California.

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