Tuesday, October 10, 2006

In 1492 Some Jackass Sailed The Ocean Blue, And Did Very Bad Things, But At Least I Got A Day Off

This weekend went from a two-day weekend to a four-day weekend in the blink of an eye. I took Friday off from work with a sinus infection and Monday was a complete surprise. It wasn’t until I was watching SportsCenter on Sunday night when they mentioned Columbus Day that I realized I had Monday off as well. All the important things in life I have learned from watching ESPN.

The weekend was rather subdued. I didn’t go out once and cooked almost every night. I also rented out my services to family members. On Saturday I did all of Mark’s laundry (for a small fee) and on Sunday I helped my sister paint her house (no charge). Yesterday, after I called my job to verify we did indeed have the day off, I watched a movie, prepped my house for the winter, went for a walk around Ohio City, stopped at the market to buy ribs and spent the evening drinking good beer and cooking ribs. It was a great Columbus Day. Thank God for Manifest Destiny!

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