Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Have You Read The Latest Tim?

At the risk of giving one of my friends a huge ego, I must indeed stroke his ego for just one moment. When I get to work, I have a system of doing things. Upon my arrival, I: log on, check personal e-mail, read ESPN.com, check myspace.com, get on instant messenger, talk to co-workers, log on to work databases and read work-related e-mail. Sure my priorities are a little off, but we are slow this time of year so I have time to catch up with friends and personal interests on the internet. I must now add a new activity in between ESPN.com and myspace.com. I now check Tim’s blog each and every morning.

Tim started his blog only a couple weeks ago but it has quickly become one of my favorite reads in the morning. I am not alone. Brewed Fresh Daily, the who’s who of Cleveland blogs has also picked him up on several occasions. This morning after reading his latest post and feeling just a little smarter for doing so, I called Mindy and said: “Have you read the latest Tim?” She replied with: “A little but I will call you back to discuss when I get more time.”

I feel as if his blog has replaced the op-ed pieces I encounter but don’t feel connected to. I am grateful he has found the time to actually put his name and effort into this new creative vehicle. By writing this piece I feel like a stuffy old aristocrat discussing a piece of art but his work is that good. If you haven’t had the chance to read the latest Tim, you simply must find the time dahlings!


Unknown said...

OMG...this means a lot, boo. Hellen Keller forever, grrrl!

Thanks. ;P

Unknown said...

I wanted to leave this on MySpace, but it appears to be acting up:

"Actually, Kyocera Slider is Pashmina Lythium's older sister. Remember, we saw them at Cocktails that one time. Or was it Corkies?"