Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Easter Weekend Shout-Outs

Gotta send my Easter Weekend Shout outs to: Lounge Kitty for the campy entertainment, Tina, Chrissy, Shannon, Liz, Mindy, Ed and Judith for a night of fun at Prosperity, my server at George’s for bringing me two cokes at one time the next morning after seeing my look of dehydration, the cashier at Target for trying not to laugh at me, Pastor Bob and all the Pindells for teaching me what Easter is truly all about, DeNeitra for telling me to pull out my procession candle during Easter Vigil, the cashier at CVS who marked everything 50 percent off right before I did my Easter shopping, Hallmark for making the perfect card, the Lieberth kids for a fun and enjoyable Easter dinner, the lamb that sacrificed it’s life so we could enjoy said Easter dinner even more and of course to Maria who helped make this entire weekend spectacular (well except for the lamb part…she didn’t have anything to do with that.).

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