Friday, May 19, 2006

World Politics For Dummies

I am trying to break down a current political situation (you know the one where Venezuela offended America so America decided not to sell Venzuela arms anymore even though America would still export oil from Venezuela and then Venezuela and America both decided to become even tighter with Libya, even though it made very little sense for America to do so while Venezuela decided to start giving Iran the F16s America had sold to them even though America is rumored to be going into battle with Iran) into layman’s terms so we can see how childish world leaders can be. I decided to use a high school analogy to make it easier to understand.

One day after lunch, the most popular girl in school, Mary decided she was no longer going to be friends with Veronica because she heard Veronica was talking about her behind her back. Apparently Veronica had been calling Mary evil and telling people she won’t always be popular because people will see her true colors after graduation. Instead of being friends with Veronica, Mary decided to befriend Libby. None of the popular kids really understood why Mary would want to be friends with Libby. Libby was always kind of an outcast and had caused a lot of trouble for Mary back in elementary school.

Meanwhile Veronica also decided to become even better friends with Libby which began to confuse Libby even more. Libby went along with it but discussed with her friend Ira how weird it is that she had these friends all the sudden. Ira agreed and confided in Libby that Veronica was giving Ira all of Mary’s old clothes and letters. Both girls got even more nervous as they remembered how Mary had stabbed other people in the back but then come back to be friends with them after feeling guilty about what she had done. Mary was a little weird in the fact that she would break couples up but then help them get back together. Nobody really trusted Mary. She had gotten herself in some weird situations and nobody can really believe what happened between her and her best friend from the cheerleading squad, Francis. Francis didn’t agree with Mary about how to perform a cheer and Mary refused to talk to her ever again.

Join us next week to see how Mary handles her new friends, if Veronica’s comments about Mary will come true after graduation and to see if Ira fits into the clothes Veronica has passed on to her.

In this particular piece the characters are played by the following countries:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Isn't this a show on the WB?

Seriously, though, you are a GENIUS!!!!