Thursday, May 21, 2009

It's Memorial Day Weekend...I Am Outta Here!

It seems to be a tradition for me to get out of town on Memorial Day Weekend. Two years ago, I headed North and went to Toronto for the weekend. Last year, I headed East (way East) and was in Ireland over Memorial Day Weekend. This year, I am going West and spending Memorial Day weekend in San Francisco. If you need me, you may want to use this handy San Francisco microbrewery map to track me down:


Peter Speer said...

Let me know when you're ready for the homebrewery tour of Cleveland. I've got kegs, tasty beer, and I'm not afraid to drink them!

yllwdaisies said...

My friends & I did a NE Ohio Brewery tour in 07. Let me know if you want our map. I think there were only 10 breweries (Northfield was listed, but they closed down the brewery). We did one a month.

Anonymous said...

...but had you stayed in town you could have witnessed the great holly strano restraining order debacle of '09. Hope it was worth it! Xoxo